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The air can not be seen but can be felt and if we inhale slowly fresh air then we can see the importance of that air for us. The air is one of best things in the world.

Selamat menikmati hari yang indah


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9 Buah-buah Roh

Background picture from Designed by me and have been posting on my IG S elamat menikmati hari yang indah Me-Mrl

Mama, aku kangen

Teman dan sahabat pembaca, kisah dibawah ini merupakan kisah nyata yang terjadi dalam kehidupan penulis. Harapan penulis adalah kisah ini menjadi berkat bagi pembaca dan menambahkan cinta kasih seorang anak kepada ibunya. Mata Sang Pencipta, Tuhan Yang Maha Esa tidak pernah lelah memperhatikan pola dan tingkah laku kita. MASA setiap Tanggal 25 indah Selamat Sore Pak, Pak, saya mohon dapat diijinkan sore ini  pulang cepat karena harus menjemput ibu saya di Rumah Sakit." atau "Maaf Pak, saya harus segera pulang karena ibu saya keadaannya menurun, dan saya yang terdekat lokasinya dengan rumah pak dibandingkan yang lain." Kalimat perijinan pulang cepat atau pulang paksa sering berkumandang di kantor saat masih berstatus sebagai kuli tinta di gedung pencakar langit. Dalam perjalanan kembali ke rumah, mama selalu berkabar posisi putrinya sambil menyampaikan kondisi kesehatannya sehingga buatku menjadi terbiasa untuk pecah konsentrasi berkendara dan menenangkan  mama  yang geli...

What do the word Couple means?

What do the word Couple means? For me who have a plan to get marriage J Couple of the people has the definition and meaning:  Combination of two different human beings who have difference such as opposite sex, character and daily habits, like and dislikes, allergies to something, speech style, perspective but  have the same commitment for being together in encounter as well as the situation. In their life each individual gives one spoon dreams, hopes, wishes, difficulties, romance and nine kinds of savory spices such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control. Hmmmm….I do remember when I was in school in my mind looking for a partner who was the same character turned out to be wrong because we are created differently from each other ... .. Please avoid looking for a perfect partner because there is no perfect human in this world. Perfection belongs to God the creator of heaven and earth. You may share this posti...