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INI PAGIKU Bias cahaya sinar matahari menembus siling atas jendela kayu bergaya colonial yang mengelilingi kamar setengah lingkaran yang menjadi tempat peraduan buatku. Hmmm, ini pasti sudah hampir jam 6, aku pun membuka mata dengan perlahan karena silaunya sinar matahari pagi.  Puji Tuhan ujarku menyampaikan rasa syukur yag kupanjatkan kehadirat Yang Kuasa seraya mencari Alkitab dan gadgetku untuk renungan pagi ini. Mensyukuri hari yang baru serta rahmat yang baru yang telah disedikan Tuhan buatku, renungan berakhir dengan senandu lagu Doa Yabes dan Amin. Mataku pun melihat selimut dan bantal kosong disebelahku, hmmm kemanakah dirinya pagi ini, apakah semalam mendapatkan inspirasi untuk menulis lanjutan bab tentang cara mendidik anak? Kuambil sandal kamar dan mulai mengitari tempat tidur menuju kamar mandi namun tidak ada, langkah ku dipercepat menuju ruangan sebelah dan ya, kutemukan kekasihku berbaring di sofa coklat kesenangannya dan seperangkat laptop ada di pangkuannya. Hmm

Salam KeJUJURan

Salam KeJUJURan Ditengah-tengah situasi yang terkadang menimbulkan rasa ketidaknyamanan dan terhimpit tetaplah dicantumkan dalam hati sahabatku, untuk wajib dan setia untuk berbuat jujur didampingi dengan berkat berupa hikmat Tuhan dalam menyampaikan sesuatu hal yang harus disampaikan. Jika sekitarmu mempertanyakan ke jujur anmu,  jangan lawan namun tersenyumlah sambil berdoa didalam hatimu minta tuntunan dari Roh Kudus untuk menjawab pertanyaannya dengan hikmat Tuhan dan jika mereka tetap tidak mempercayai mu, tetaplah tersenyum dan ingat mata Tuhan tertuju padaMu, Dia tahu kesusahanmu dan Dia tahu ke jujur anmu.  Jika Tuhan mempercayai kita, itu jauh lebih baik daripada kepercayaan manusia atas kita. Salam kejujuran. Orang yang jujur pasti disayang Tuhan Yesus. AKu yakin kamu bisa! Me-Mrl

Sow in joy

Design create by Rosalin and have been published in IG  S elamat menikmati hari yang indah Me-Mrl

Our God is greater God

image from design by me and have been publish to IG account name @kata_kata_words

You are never alone

i mage from deigned by me This post have been posting at IG account name @kata_kata_words S elamat menikmati hari yang indah Me-Mrl

God created me. I am so blessed.

Terima kasih Tuhan karena telah menciptakanku menjadi ciptaan-Mu yang terbaik. Card design by me through IG account kata-kata_words S elamat menikmati hari yang indah Me-Mrl


Doa adalah Nafas  hidup setiap manusia. Harapan  adalah impian-impian yang belum terwujud namun dapat terwujud jika Tuhan berkenan atas nya. S elamat menikmati hari yang indah Me-Mrl

Do not worry about Tomorrow

Trust on me, no one in this world do not worry about Tomorrow or daily life. We all felt the same about daily life, our job, children, health, bills and etc. Never give up to your problem or giant in our life. We can cast it all through Jesus. Useless if we use our power or money to be the winner. We have to trust on Him, our God. He can do anything that we never expect coming to our life. PRAY until SOMETHING HAPPENED

We supporting each other

Hi, HAVE a BLESSED DAY AHEAD background picture from and the card designed by my self. This card post to in my IG kata_kata_words  S elamat menikmati hari yang indah Me-Mrl

Do the best for GOD

background picture from and the card designed by my self. This card post to in my IG kata_kata_words  S elamat menikmati hari yang indah Me-Mrl

Apakah pernah memiliki prasayarat untuk calon pasanganmu?

Pernahkah jatuh cinta? Apakah pernah memiliki prasayarat untuk calon pasanganmu? Suatu hari seorang teman pernah berkata “Apakah kamu akan menerima seseorang jika dirinya tidak bekerja di kantoran seperti salah satu persyaratan yang kamu persyaratkan ?” Jawabanku “Tidak mau” , sambil tersenyum simpul. Setiap bulan pasti Galih temanku pasti akan bertanya padaku tanpa jerih lelah dan jawabanku pasti sama dan dengan tambahan ekspresi senyum. Pekerja kantoran merupakan salah satu prasyarat pasangan hidupku. Mengapa dipersyaratkan? Karena bekerja di kantoran juga, anggapan bahwa pekerja kantoran minimal ada kepastian setiap bulan untuk penerimaan gaji, mendapatkan fasilitas kesehatan, penerimaan THR sebelum Lebaran, dan tambahan bonus ataupun tunjangan akhir tahun. Selain itu jika bekerja di perusahaan perbankan untuk fasilitas pinjaman rumah dan kendaraan pun ada…. Itulah latarbelakangnya… Suatu kali di-bulan Februari setelah temanku bertanya kembali hal yang sama akhirnya mul

We are Precious in God's eyes

If we looked up in the news, the victims of suicide have recently increased in last 10 years especially among gen Y and X. What is it a motives  or background for someone have decided to commit suicide? According to my opinion, basically as long as we live on this earth, we will definitely facing small or big giants in our life but how to solve it and become as the winner that is the key point than the problem itself.  As a human, we only contains of body, spirit and soul. If we feel able to solve the problem by itself then at the end will possibility have disappointment. Remember We are unable solve it by own-self; We do need God absolutely helping us to solve our problems but the question how? Through our prayer, no need cost.  We should talking with Him, He is listening to you. In other part if you need someone to talk with you than pray first and asking God who is this person? He will send to you this person to listening your problem. This person should be good people

Tips Pengajuan Klaim Pencairan Dana BPJS Ketenagakerjaan

Apakah yang sudah pernah mengajukan klaim BPJS Ketenagakerjaan khususnya untuk pengajuan klaim karena alasan mengundurkan diri? Setelah 1 bulan mengundurkan diri dari tempat bekerja sebelumnya , ada keinginan untuk mencairkan dana BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, namun dari kantor lama kurang mendapatkan info tata cara yang seharusnya diambil untuk pencairan secara detail, hanya dipaparkan dokumen apa saja yang perlu dilengkapi dan kapan waktu pengajuan klaim yang tepat. Nah dibawah ini tips2 beserta langkah2 berdasarkan pengalamanku kemarin. Berikut adalah tipsnya sebelum memulai  pengisian form pengajuan e-claim melalui dan tata caranya setelah masuk ke link BPJSTKU.. Berikut dokumen yang perlu dipersiapkan sebelum memulai: - Surat Referensi dari kantor terakhir Anda bekerja;  - Kartu BPJS Ketenagakerjaan. Pastikan tempat Anda bekerja telah melakukan pembayaran iuran kepada BPJS Ketenagakerjaan;  - Kartu Keluarga;  - Copy Ha


Background picture from Designed by me and have been posting on my IG

Praise and Adore Him :)

Be happy always and praise Him as long we life in this world. Background picture from Designed by me and have been posting on my IG

9 Buah-buah Roh

Background picture from Designed by me and have been posting on my IG S elamat menikmati hari yang indah Me-Mrl

Do you know the number of stars in the sky?

Can we count on number of the stars in the sky? Wikipedia written A  star  is type of  astronomical object  consisting of a luminous  spheroid  of  plasma  held together by its own  gravity . The nearest star to  Earth  is the  Sun . Many other stars are visible to the naked eye from Earth during the night, appearing as a multitude of fixed luminous points in the sky due to their immense distance from Earth. Historically, the most prominent stars were grouped into  constellations  and  asterisms , the brightest of which gained proper names. Astronomers have assembled  star catalogues  that identify the known stars and provide standardized  stellar designations . However, most of the stars in the  Universe , including all stars outside our  galaxy , the  Milky Way , are invisible to the naked eye from Earth. Indeed, most are invisible from Earth even through the most powerful  telescopes . *) My best friend, Stars cannot be counting but why sentence to count the Stars are of

What do the word Couple means?

What do the word Couple means? For me who have a plan to get marriage J Couple of the people has the definition and meaning:  Combination of two different human beings who have difference such as opposite sex, character and daily habits, like and dislikes, allergies to something, speech style, perspective but  have the same commitment for being together in encounter as well as the situation. In their life each individual gives one spoon dreams, hopes, wishes, difficulties, romance and nine kinds of savory spices such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control. Hmmmm….I do remember when I was in school in my mind looking for a partner who was the same character turned out to be wrong because we are created differently from each other ... .. Please avoid looking for a perfect partner because there is no perfect human in this world. Perfection belongs to God the creator of heaven and earth. You may share this posting if you

Life in reality

Many people live in the shadows. Live this life outward the unforgettable shadows on the past. Tomorrow will be better if we take one step forward and the shadow of our past as a valuable lesson for us to be a winner in the future life. This reinforcement word is quoted from the link and template from . Have a blessed day ahead. From your lovely friend :) B ackground picture from Designed by me and have been posting on my IG S elamat menikmati hari yang indah Me-Mrl

Live the life

S elamat menikmati hari yang indah Me-Mrl

How we Live?

S elamat menikmati hari yang indah Me-Mrl

Rasakan dengan hati

The air can not be seen but can be felt and if we inhale slowly fresh air then we can see the importance of that air for us. The air is one of best things in the world. S elamat menikmati hari yang indah Me-Mrl